
Which Piece of Gym Equipment is Best Suited to Achieve Your Fitness Goals?

By May 7, 2014 No Comments

All machines are not created equal. Find out which you need…

Which exercise machine will burn the most calories? Which will make your upper body stronger and more toned? How many calories can I burn just by cycling? You may well have asked yourself these questions regarding your workout routine. Let’s begin unravelling the mystery behind some of the most popular exercises and the equipment that complements them.

Gym Equipments for Fitness Goals

How efficient is bicycling for calorie burning?

Pedalling your bike is a fantastic way to use the larger muscles in your legs, therefore, an equally great calorie burning activity. Expect to burn around 500-1000 calories an hour, making cycling one of the most effective workouts you can do. Ideally, you’ll need to get up to about 90 RPM (revolutions per minute) in order to achieve the best results. Are you on a stationary bike in the gym? Check the digital readout on the handlebars to chart your progress.

If you’ve had thoughts about using a recumbent bicycle, keep in mind that this type of bike won’t burn as many calories as a ‘typical’ upright bike. Because your position on a recumbent won’t use the same muscle