
11 Ways to Fast Track Your Dream Body for Summer

By September 15, 2014 No Comments

Using tips from the pros, you can get fit effortlessly!

Summer is around the corner, and that means spending more time outdoors –usually in clothing that matches outdoor activity. Our Perth fitness trainers at Warwick Women’s Workout have a handful of ways you can easily get that summer bod.

Fast Track Your Dream Body for Summer

Work out at higher intensity levels

Also referred to as “HIIT” for ‘high intensity interval training,’ this workout incorporates 30 second intervals of cardio, such as skipping rope, jumping jacks, running in place and the like. Doing these in short bursts will improve your cardio health.

Keep moving

Your fitness program should involve a method of staying active, even when it’s not during a workout time. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further from your destination and lift small dumbbells whilst watching TV. Staying active even during down time is important.

Keep an eye on your diet

You’ve heard this many times before, but regular intake of fruit and veg is critical to a healthy diet. Diet can be almost more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight or staying fit.

Row your boat

A fantastic cardio workout is rowing, for its ability to work your abs, arms, legs and back at the same time whilst helping your heart reach its target rate. Whether you row on a machine – or even in a real boat – this workout will keep you fabulously fit.