BlogPerth Fitness Program

Five Rules for Consistent Weight Loss

By October 30, 2014 No Comments

No one likes following ‘rules,’ but to drop weight, these are more than golden.

Is your weight loss regimen stubborn? Are you not making progress at the fitness centre? Could you be violating the five rules for effective, consistent weight loss?

Rules for Consistent Weight Loss By Perth Fitness Trainer

Eating healthfully

This is probably the most important – and obvious – rule for weight loss. The key to weight loss lies in your diet. It doesn’t mean skipping meals, denying yourself that small piece of a sweet or consuming only health shakes. Eating healthfully means making the right choices for each meal of the day.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats are the best choices. Don’t forget to follow with plenty of fresh water – it’s recommended that you drink 2 litres per day and it also helps flush out fat and keep your digestive system moving along.

Watching how much you eat

Portion control goes hand in hand with eating healthfully. The more you eat, the more you gain. But there is good news – you can have your cake, just not all of it! Try halving the slice into two portions – one for now, one for later. This rule teaches you to divide and conquer meal portions.

Conquering cardio

Cardio is a huge rule to follow for consistent weight loss. Cardio burns calories, gives your heart a healthy workout and battles high cholesterol and diabetes. Cardio keeps you moving and pumped up.

Strength training

Strength training is cardio’s little sister. Lifting weights tones and defines your muscles (after cardio melts away fat). Putting these two techniques together results in the fastest weight loss. This rule can be used twice a week at 20 minutes per session.

Stretching it out

If you’ve never stretched before a workout, you’d better start following this rule. Stretching keeps you away from injury and helps with flexibility. You can also get stretchy by doing yoga or by following the suggestions of a trainer at your Perth fitness gym.