
Tips to Save Time, Eat Better and Exercise More

By August 18, 2014 No Comments

As the world turns, life can sometimes seem complicated. When self-care is a priority, here are ways to make it easier.

Modern day life offers plenty of distractions. Wouldn’t it be great if we could pop a pill that would help us lose weight instantly? Since the fantasy is just rooted in reality, you can take the reins of life and steer it in the direction you choose. How? Make a few simple and time-saving changes to your routine that will help you in the long run.

Eat Better and Exercise More

It may take a little extra time to learn and implement changes to your lifestyle, but your health is more than worth it. Eating healthfully and moving are two of the most important factors.

Keep moving – every day

You may not have time to exercise or follow a fitness program every day, but you can stay on top of things by keeping moving about. A few walks around the block or shopping centre, taking the steps instead of the elevator, walking a neighbour’s dog or doing a fun activity like rollerblading or even badminton are ways to keep your body in motion – which will contribute to gradual weight loss and strength gain.

Are you able to walk to work from your home? Consider doing that for as many days a week as you can. If you drive, try parking further away than you normally would. Those extra steps add up!

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