
Top Tips for Staying Fit Throughout Pregnancy

By May 26, 2014 No Comments

So you’re a mum-to be – but don’t let that get in the way of staying fit!

It’s important to retain your fitness regime during your pregnancy, but there are a few easy changes you’ll need to consider during this time.

Top Tips for Staying Fit Throughout Pregnancy

Keep a positive mindset

Whether this is your first or fourth pregnancy, the power of positive thinking transfers to your physicality. When you work out during pregnancy, keep in mind that you’re strengthening your body for childbirth. Being strong in mind and body will help you through that task.

Keep active as much as possible

You’ll be cutting back the intensity of your workouts but not necessarily the quantity. Staying active on as close to the same schedule you had before will benefit your body with no lapse time. In the later stages of pregnancy, you’ll find that swimming instead of weight lifting or walking is beneficial, and at the same time, prepping your body for labour. It’s important to remember to not overwork – stop when you feel tired or unwell.

Avoid certain exercises

You may need to alter your routine. Avoid contact sports where there’s a risk of being injured – especially kickboxing or high impact sport like squash. Avoid scuba diving – the fetus isn’t protected from the bends (decompression sickness). After 16 weeks’ term, you’ll want to avoid lying flat on your back because you can become faint from the pressure of the womb pressing against your vein.

Seek the wisdom of your supporters

It’s wise to consult with your GP and personal trainer when it comes to your pregnancy fitness regime. It’s equally important to stay fit and healthy for your baby; picking up the knowledge of experts in the field is advantageous.


Women have the distinct advantage of understanding each other’s concerns, whether it’s pregnancy, emotional, or fitness related. When you engage in exercise at your workout facility, it’s almost expected that you’ll find another woman who will encourage you every step of the way! You’ll leave for home with confidence and support – worth its weight in gold.

Warwick Women’s Workout located in Perth, is a women-only fitness facility. We welcome women of all ages and all levels of physical condition. Mums-to-be will find our gym suitable for comfortable, peaceful workouts.