
Don’t Drink and Train! Why Alcohol and Fitness Don’t Mix

By June 26, 2014 No Comments

When you booze, your athletic performance suffers

Think it’s a good idea to imbibe before or after your workout regimen? Think again. There are plenty of reasons doing so is not a good idea – at all.

Why Alcohol and Fitness Don't Mix

Your balance and coordination will be off

Even after a few beers, your eye and hand coordination, balance and motor skills can become askew. This is dangerous, especially when you are operating training machines or using weights. It’s a recipe for disaster if you’re hungover and drop a 10 lb barbell on your foot.

Hangovers are bad news

When you’re hungover, it’s your body’s way of telling you that it’s dehydrated and toxic. Alcohol leaves nasty toxins in your body, makes blood glucose dip and actually poisoned. As a result, your muscle tone suffers and slows down your metabolism, because your body can’t break down alcohol as quickly as it would with a piece of fruit.

Alcohol is the ultimate depressant

However, we all know that exercise increases the flow of endorphins, those feel good peptides. If you’re a bit on the blue side because you got tanked the night before, then yes, exercise can help with that. Working out boosts serotonin and dopamine, the feel good hormones that give you a feeling of well-being.

Don’t undo all your hard w