
Tips for Surviving Winter and Staying Healthy

By July 3, 2014 No Comments

Now that the warm months are done, keep your body in check with some cool weather maintenance tips.

Colder weather invites lots of nasty bugs, germs and other unpleasantries into our homes and bodies in winter. A little tune up maintenance can stave off illnesses, be they major or minor.

Surviving Winter and Staying Healthy

Stay hydrated

Not only in summer do you need to stay hydrated – it’s equally important in winter to drink lots of water. Being low on fluids can affect your mood and make you feel lightheaded or cranky. Try to drink not just when you’re thirsty; space out a bottle of water throughout the day.

Make it a point to get plenty of sleep

Don’t underestimate your sleep needs in winter. You need a decent night’s worth of sleep to maintain your energy and to ward off infection. If you do come down with a bug, hit bed immediately and let your body heal. Ill or not, make an effort to get at least 8 hours of shuteye in the winter months.

Wash your hands often

If you work in an office, retail or with small children, you bet you’re going to be exposed to germs. Touching people or objects is the perfect way to transfer germs to you. You’ve heard about ‘germaphobes’ – maybe there is something to their train of thought. Washing your hands as often as possible – espe