BlogPerth Fitness Program

Overweight? Emotional Eating Could be the Culprit!

By November 27, 2014 No Comments

Keeping your appetite in check may be a key to losing weight. Our Perth trainer has some info.

If you’ve experienced a difficult time, gone through personal hardships and tend to reward yourself with food after a trying time, then welcome to the world of ‘emotional eating.’

Psychological reasons for emotional eating

There’s always a scene in films where the main character (and yes, almost always a woman) on the sofa with a bag of chips or a big dish of ice cream, weeping over a breakup with her boyfriend or a similar personal turmoil. While the onscreen character eventually escapes it, in real life it can be problematic.

In the presence of a stressful time, emotional eating replaces physical hunger. As alcohol is to some people, food is, in this instance, a coping mechanism. Left unchecked, emotional eating can create a host of physiological problems, leading to poor health.

Overweight Eating Healthy Foods

The problem with ‘comfort food’

Comfort food is indulgent and often bland food that makes you feel better – and everyone has an idea of what soothing foods redact emotional h