
Best Brekkie Tips For Weight Loss

By June 19, 2014 No Comments

It’s the most important meal of the day – so make it substantial!

No wonder it’s called ‘breakfast’ – it’s a break in the ‘fast’ you experience every time you go to sleep. Waking up in the morning and refuelling your body with good, healthy food is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Best Brekkie Tips For Weight Loss

Go big

It’s true that size matters, even when the conversation turns to cereal. Penn State University conducted a study on cereal flake size and found that the smaller the flakes, the more people ate, therefore consuming more calories. Bigger flakes will help you eat fewer calories due to the density of the flakes.

Go even bigger

It’s suggested a larger breakfast – one that is healthful, of course, not laden with sausages, bacon and cheese – can aid in weight loss. Another study conducted by nutritionists found people who ate a breakfast of 700 calories followed by a 500 calorie lunch and 200 calorie dinner lost weight more efficiently. The reasoning is your body’s metabolism is more efficient in the morning; therefore able to burn more calories.

Become friends with fibre

Want to keep the feeling of being fuller, longer during the day? Eat oat bran, the experts say, and the nutritious fibre contained therein will stave off cravings and binge snacking. Get your oat