BlogPerth Fitness Gym

How to Cope With Hay Fever Season

By October 28, 2014 No Comments

This allergy is nothing to sneeze at and it should not prevent you from going to the fitness gym. We’ll share some pointers on how to deal with it.

Hay fever – known in medical circles as allergic rhinitis – causes your nasal passages to become inflamed. Grass pollens are to blame for this misery-making malady. Good news, however – there are ways to lessen the symptoms.

Cope Up With Hay Fever Season


Ear acupressure can be administered at home; once learned, can become extremely useful for hay fever or illnesses involving the nasal passages, including headaches, asthma, colds and other discomforts. Ear acupressure has been practised for more than a century and is well-documented by clinical research as a relief for many maladies.

Acupressure works when light pressure is applied to certain points with the fingertips. When you come across a spot that is particularly tender, that is the place to work the acupressure magic.

Nature’s other alternatives

Gingerroot helps too with inflammation. Sliced fresh ginger in a cup of tea also helps immunity and to loosen phlegm in the nasal and throat passages.

Chamomile tea helps with the miseries of hay fever, and not only the taste but t