
How to Beat the 5 Most Common Diet Excuses

By October 1, 2014 No Comments

It’s time to pack away the excuses – eating healthfully doesn’t have to be an uphill struggle.

Here are five popular ‘reasons’ why some people fall off the healthy-eating wagon.

Beat The Most Common Diet Excuses with Perth Fitness Trainer

‘Health’ food is blah

Real health food is delicious and nutritious. We aren’t speaking of the prepackaged stuff you find in the market, the boxes and bags tagged ‘natural’ or ‘fat-free’. Your best bet for real healthful food is whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats (or acceptable substitutes, like tofu) and nuts.

I don’t have the time to cook

Of course, convenience and ready meals are easy to prepare, but your body is paying the price. Take some extra weekend time and prepare a week’s worth of lunches – chop veggies, make sandwiches, prepare rice and pasta: half the cooking battle is won.

Diets and I don’t get along

Diets – the ones devised by ‘diet gurus’ – don’t work, but developing healthy eating habits does. Toss out those DIY books and read up instead on how to eat for health. Of course, everyone knows that exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand, so why not do both?

I enjoy eating in restaurants

You don’t eat at home the same way you do in a restaurant. For one, you cannot control what ingredients go into your food when you eat out; secondly, the portions in a bistro are larger than what you would eat at home. You won’t win prizes at home for cleaning your plate, so why do it when eating out?

My resistance is futile.

Most people crave a certain type of food – whether it’s sugary, savoury, salty or whatnot. That’s fine – as with all things, moderation is key. But don’t let the idea of “addiction” take hold of the more important idea that eating well is the best thing you can do for your body. You have control over what goes in your mouth and you can make better decisions, too.

Warwick Women’s Workout

At our women’s fitness centre in Perth, we are not all about exercise; we promote holistic fitness and health, including proper diet. To learn more, call our fitness trainers: (08) 9342 9028.